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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Religious Songs by Withered Hand

Just another example in the storied history of songs that sing "La la la" in a really pleasing way. For that reason alone, this song is worthy of listening to, but there are actually much more complex lyrics, in between the all the "la la la"'s. It tells the story of a man's relationship with religious people, who typically aren't big fans of him. Whether it's because "my hair's getting too long" or because "he listens to death metal bands," we get the sense that alot of religious people aren't huge fans of him. Still, he gets the last laugh, because he goes to his ex-girlfriend's house and masturbates on her futon. In a putdown of religion that is absolutely one for the ages, he closes the song by saying: "if I happen to die tonight in my sleep, I'll cum and not blood on my hands." BOOM. ROASTED. And now we know why the Pope resigned. 

Moistness Level: Burnt at the Stake

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